Wartbarkeit, Stabilität und Effektivität


Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/simple_html_dom.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/lib/nginx/tmp/client:/var/www:/usr/bin:/dev/urandom:/proc/meminfo:/var/log/php) in _simplhtmldom_get_library_path() (Zeile 27 von sites/all/modules/simplehtmldom/helper.inc).

gradle - mercurial

2012-05 05
Sa, 2012-05-05 16:21 -- mig

apply plugin: 'java'
description 'Versioned Project with info-tokens in the manifest'
ext.mercurial = mercurial('{node};{branch};{date|isodate};{tags}').tokenize(';')
ext.revision = mercurial.get(0)
ext.tags = mercurial.get(3)
ext.date = mercurial.get(2)
ext.branch = mercurial.get(1)
jar {
  manifest {
      'Implementation-Title': description,
      'Implementation-Version': version,
      'Implementation-Vendor': 'XiLab by norics',
      'Built-By': System.properties['user.name'],
      'Revision': revision,
      'Revision-Branch': branch,
      'Revision-Tags': tags,
      'Revision-Date': date
 * ask mercurial for revision infos.
String mercurial(tag) {
  ext.stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
  exec {
    commandLine('hg', 'parent', '--template', "$tag")
    standardOutput = stdout
  return stdout as String